Average reading rate is 100-150wpm dependant on nature of script. Price is on a sliding scale dependant on audience reach. This includes total minutes of completed audio in a recording studio equipped with professional equipment; The file will be edited, mastered and in a file format of your chosing to deadline and the majority are offered for complete buy out, so no further costs to be incurred, unless in relation to broadcasting. Please note that this also includes minor revisions within 30 days after delivery. Royalty share options to be negotiated if this route is agreed.
To give you an example: 5 minutes of recorded and produced audio would take an hour.
For audiobooks, it is estimated that 1hr of completed/produced fictional audio takes between 6.5-8.5hrs to produce to completion. Non-fictional 1hr takes 6.5hrs.
Time includes for fiction: awareness read, breakdown of characters and character development, several full recordings; digital mastering and debreathing of final recording; detailed editing possible rerecording of certain areas and finalising for broadcast quality.
Please contact Sio for specific costs.